Brest Métropole Aménagement – Cité Saint Pierre

The energy rehabilitation of the Cité Saint Pierre in Brest is a 7-year project led by Brest Métropole Aménagement. eProject is used for document management, optimized through the dematerialization of contract documents, EPC deliverables and other written documents.
Place Brest, FranceDuration 2017-2024
Project Manager Brest Métropole AménagementAmount


Rehabilitation of the Cité Saint Pierre, comprising 100 apartments, divided into semi-detached houses, occupied by nationals of the Ministry of the Armed Forces. The work will allow the Cité to meet energy standards thanks to better insulation of the housing. The living conditions and comfort of the inhabitants will be greatly improved.

Solution: eProject EDM

eProject allows the exchange of contract documents, additional reports and diagnostics, project management deliverables, graphic documents, reports and written documents on this project. Thanks to the dematerialization of the documentation, the management of the project, which extends over 7 years, is well simplified and optimized.